Code 13 - Evil (1999) Category: ROCK / RAC / U.S.A. 0 0 88NSM Artist: Code 13Album: Evil Label: Gold Tooth RecordsYear: 1999Genre: RACCountry: USAFormat: mp3@320 kbpsSize: 25 mb01. DFF 02. Thunder 03. Loud and proud 04. Evil (4 Skins Cover) 05. Rage ex-loadtakefile Related News: Code 13 - Blood Sweat Beer (1999)Code 13 - Blood Sweat Beer (2018)Evil Skins - Docteur Skinhead (2019)Clownsball - Collection of evil (2007)Evil Skins - Docteur Skinhead (LOSSLESS)Evil Skins - Une Force, Une Cause, Un Combat (2017)Code 1 - Outlaws Of Oi! (2021)Evil Skins - Une force, une cause, un combat (1992) LOSSLESS 4 032 0 Name:* E-Mail: Leave a comment: Question: 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = ? Answer:* Add