Ancestors - Nastal cas! (2001 / 2005)

Artist: Ancestors
Album: Nastal čas!
Label: White Shadow Records
Year: 2001 / 2005
Genre: RAC
Country: Slovakia
Format: mp3@320 kbps
Size: 118 mb
Scans: yes
01. Zabudli (They forgot) (2:46)
02. Proti nám (Against us) (3:12)
03. Budú sa nás báť (They'll afraid of us) (3:29)
04. Zrada sa trestá (Punish the treason!) (4:06)
05. Nekonečná vernosť (Eternal loyalty) (3:26)
06. Očista (Cleansing) (3:25)
07. Hrozba (Menace) (4:51)
08. Teba caká smrť (Death awaits you!) (2:32)
09. Rudolf Hess (6:24)
10. Politiché klamstvá (Political lies) (3:18)
11. Môžme byť hrdi (We can be proud) (2:40)
12. Ancestors (6:06)
password: 88nsm
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