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Iron Eagle - Sieg Heil (2005)

Category: ROCK / RAC / METAL / Hungary
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Iron Eagle - Sieg Heil (2005)

Artist: Iron Eagle
Album: Sieg Heil
Label: NSM Records
Year: 2005
Genre: Metal / RAC
Country: Hungary
Format: mp3@320 kbps
Size: 117 mb
Scans: yes

01. Was Willst du von mir? (3:29)
02. Gestern, heute, morgen, ewig (3:34)
03. Retribution (2:18)
04. Race traitor (2:43)
05. Gondolkozz!!! (2:21)
06. Der teufel selbst (2:31)
07. Zieg Heil (2:26)
08. Do nothing (3:50)
09. They are still among us (4:04)
10. Kivagy te? (2:55)
11. Dieses land Gehort uns (2:37)
12. Arische Kampfer (2:37)
13. No more lies (2:43)
14. This is our country (3:46)
15. Hazug Vilag (2:03)
16. Monkeyman (4:02)


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Visitor Ulfhednarblut wrote:
Anyone that listens to this and denies it, fuck you. Im a soldier, I'm a monster.Grey eyes, black soul. I have died on the battlefield and brought back by the Valkyries. Now, on the brink of WW3, I'm aged but I still miss Afghanistan. Ulfedhednar on X, look me up. Seig Heil!!!