Coming Soon 7 (2022)
Category: ROCK / RAC / CORE / Hardcore / Ballads / Acoustic / SPLITS & SAMPLERS / Various Artists / Germany / Sweden / Hungary / U.K. / U.S.A. / Italy / Spain / France / Greece / Australia / Chile

Artist: Various Artists
Album: Coming Soon 7
Label: internet released
Year: 2022
Genre: RAC / Hardcore
Country: Germany / Sweden / Spain / Italy / France / Hungary / Greece / Australia / Chile / USA / UK
Format: mp3@320 kbps
Size: 182 mb
01. Whitelaw - Run Silent, Run Deep (UK)
02. Heureka & Hundriver - Festung Budapest (Germany / Hungary)
03. Fraction - Dictature Sanitaire (France)
04. Bronson - Il Moto Del Fiume (Italy)
05. Hjernverk - Helvetets Hundar (Sweden)
06. No Surrender - The Last Of Them Skinheads (Greece)
07. Nation Of Pride - Spirit Of The Streets (USA)
08. The Yardbombs - 88 Balloons (Australia)
09. Regiment 25 & Abtrimo - Laut Lustig (Germany)
10. Post Mortem - Miedo A La Libertad (Spain)
11. Wellington Arms - Bringing You Down (USA)
12. Thronvolk - Heldengedenken (Germany)
13. We Want War - Europe Stand By You (Sweden)
14. Pugilato - Farmacocracia (Spain)
15. Brüder Im Bunde - Brüder Im Bunde (Germany)
16. True Notes - If Not US (USA)
17. Flak - Mach`s Gut (Germany)
18. Ultima Frontiera - La Sfida (Italy)
19. The Fachos & Iberian Wolves - Nada Nos Va A Hacer Cambiar (Chile/Spain)
20. White Rebel Voice - Koks Und Nutten (Germany)
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