Thunder In The North (2021)

Artist: Various Artists
Album: Thunder In The North
Label: Wewelsburg Records
Year: 2024
Genre: RAC / Hardcore / Metal
Country: Canada
Format: mp3@vbr
Size: 112 mb
01. Ragnaröck - In blood, in faith
02. White Riot - Stomping time
03. White Riot - Victory
04. White Riot - Strength in numbers
05. White Riot - The reason why
06. Excessive Force - O Walhalla
07. Excessive Force - Stand up
08. Involved Patriots - Vinlandic saga
09. Involved Patriots - NS on its way
10. Nordwind - Under the Hook
11. Odins Law - An Eye For An Eye
12. Odins Law - Back With A Bang
13. Odins Law - Remembrance
14. Odins Law - Eric Banks lives on
15. Negative Response - War on Geraldo
16. Subsidium - Join The Ranks
17. Kremator - Us Against The World