VA - White Pride World Wide vol. 4 (1998 / 2001)
Category: ROCK / RAC / SPLITS & SAMPLERS / Various Artists / Germany / Sweden / Hungary / U.K. / U.S.A. / Canada

Artist: VA
Album: White Pride World Wide vol. 4
Label: Nordland Records / Midgård Records
Year: 1998 / 2001
Genre: RAC / Hardcore
Country: WPWW
Format: mp3@320 kbps
Size: 225 mb
Scans: yes
01. Blue Eyed Devils - Total War (U.S.A.)
02. Blue Eyed Devils - On The Attack (U.S.A.)
03. Volkstroi - Lübeck (Germany)
04. Volkstroi - Dem Deutschen Volk (Germany)
05. Pluton Svea - The New Dawn (Sweden)
06. Pluton Svea - Segregation (Sweden)
07. Celtic Warrior - The White Flame (U.K.)
08. Celtic Warrior - Survival (U.K.)
09. Sturmwehr - The Hammer (Germany)
10. Vérszerződés - Szent Haboru (Hungary)
11. Verszerzodes - Feher Eggseg Forradalma (Hungary)
12. Heysel - Be My Enemy (Sweden)
13. Heysel - We Hate You (Sweden)
14. Cenotaph - White Metal (U.S.A.)
15. Cenotaph - Blood Covenant (U.S.A.)
16. Cenotaph - Circle of Traitors (U.S.A.)
17. Stonehammer - Little Red Lies (Canada)
18. Stonehammer - I See My Race (Canada)
password: 88nsm
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