Old Legasy & Aryan Triumph - Kriegsbruder (2004)

Artist: Old Legasy & Aryan Triumph
Album: Kriegsbrüder
Label: Warlust Productions
Year: 2004
Genre: NSBM
Country: Slovakia
Format: Mp3@320kb
Size: 102 mb
Scans: Yes
Old Legacy
01. Intro
02. Vízia dokonalej budúcnosti
03. Nenávist nekoneèná
04. Slobodný
05. Hlas boja
06. Mrazivý mor
07. Krv je život
08. Duše v plameòoch
Aryan Triumph
09. Der Triumphmarsch
10. Tomorrow the Whole World
11. Disrupt the Reign of Z.O.G.
12. In Hoc Signo Vinces
13. Never Defeated
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