Noxia - Gloria, Patria... (2011)

Artist: Noxia
Album: Gloria, Patria...
Label: Self-released/independent
Year: 2011
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Occultism, Gloom, Melancholy, Patriotism
Country: Gemany
Format: mp3@192 kbps
Size: 11.8 mb
Time: 08:36
Album: Gloria, Patria...
Label: Self-released/independent
Year: 2011
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Occultism, Gloom, Melancholy, Patriotism
Country: Gemany
Format: mp3@192 kbps
Size: 11.8 mb
Time: 08:36
Limited to 30 handnumbered copies.
Part of the benefits from the sale was donated to Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.
1. Stunde Der Helden
2. Gloria, Patria...
3. Nightsky
Part of the benefits from the sale was donated to Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge e.V.
1. Stunde Der Helden
2. Gloria, Patria...
3. Nightsky
1 957