Sigrblot - Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest) (2003)

Artist: Sigrblot
Album: Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest)
Label: Nordiska Förlaget
Year: 2003
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Awakening, esotericism, racialism
Country: Sweden
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 320
Size: 94.8MB
Time: 48:03
(+) lyrics
Album: Blodsband (Blood Religion Manifest)
Label: Nordiska Förlaget
Year: 2003
Genre: NS Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Awakening, esotericism, racialism
Country: Sweden
Format: mp3
Bitrate: 320
Size: 94.8MB
Time: 48:03
(+) lyrics
Lyrics inspired by and at times quoting the works of Alfred Rosenberg, Jack London, Savitri Devi, Wulf Sörensen and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu.
This album has been banned in Germany in October 2010
1. Opening Mass (Let Us Pray) 01:55
2. Krigspsalm 02:22
3. Manifest (Blood Religion Part II) 03:48
4. Chaos Prayer; Deus Bellum 03:41
5. Crisis of Faith 05:40
6. Doende Generations Dom 04:48
7. Odesjord 04:43
8. Blodsband 03:28
9. Hirdsang 03:38
10. Folkstorm 04:36
11. Sacrament (Blood Religion Part I) 03:29
12. Commie Scum (Fortress Cover) 05:47
This album has been banned in Germany in October 2010
1. Opening Mass (Let Us Pray) 01:55
2. Krigspsalm 02:22
3. Manifest (Blood Religion Part II) 03:48
4. Chaos Prayer; Deus Bellum 03:41
5. Crisis of Faith 05:40
6. Doende Generations Dom 04:48
7. Odesjord 04:43
8. Blodsband 03:28
9. Hirdsang 03:38
10. Folkstorm 04:36
11. Sacrament (Blood Religion Part I) 03:29
12. Commie Scum (Fortress Cover) 05:47
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