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Nar Mattaru - Пробуждение (2006)

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Nar Mattaru - Пробуждение (2006)

Artist: Nar Mattaru
Album: Пробуждение
Label: Endless Desperation
Year: 2005 (2006 re-release)
Genre: Brutal Death / Black Metal
Lyrical themes: Odinism, Battles, Slavonic Paganism, Anti-Christianity
Country: Россия (Russia)
Format: mp3@192 kbps
Size: 56,3 Mb
Time: 43:22

1. Гимн Войны (Hymn of War) 02:51
2. Ветер Славы (Wind of Glory) 06:51
3. За Веру Отцов (For Belief of Fathers) 04:03
4. Сага о Вороне (The Saga About a Raven) 04:49
5. Замок Теней (Castle of Shadows) 03:33
6. Яд Лицемерия (Poison of Hypocrisy) 05:13
7. Враг у Ворот (The Enemy at a Gate) 05:12
8. Пробуждение (Awakening) 05:18

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Visitor EstramoniO wrote:
thanks for the post