Perun Fest - Live in Kiev (2006)
Category: ROCK / RAC / OLDSCHOOL / Ballads / Acoustic / SPLITS & SAMPLERS / Various Artists / Russia / Ukraine / U.K.

Artist: Sokyra Peruna / Antisystem / Nemesis / Stigger
Album: Perun Fest - Live in Kiev
Label: PC Records
Year: 2006
Genre: RAC / Ballads
Country: Ukraine / Russia / United Kingdom
Format: mp3@320 kbps
Size: 176 mb
01. Antisystem - Дмитрий Донской
02. Antisystem - Песня Казаков Вермахта
03. Antisystem - Косовский Фронт
04. Сокира Перуна - Слов'янин
05. Сокира Перуна - Український Патріот
06. Сокира Перуна - Незгасне Полум'я Слави
07. Nemesis - Flag of Freedom
08. Nemesis - Red Blood, White Skin, Blue Collar
09. Nemesis - Wasted Life
10. Nemesis - Battle Standard
11. Nemesis - The Braes of Killiekrankie
12. Nemesis - True Believe
13. Stigger - Old Albion
14. Stigger - Beautiful England
15. Stigger - The Journey Home
16. Stigger - Theatre of War
17. Stigger - Suddenly
18. Stigger - Ode to England
19. Stigger - Road to Valhalla
20. Stigger - Arthurian Spirit
21. Stigger - Snow Fell
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