Nokturnal Mortum Genre:
Symphonic/Folk/Black/Pagan Metal Lyrical themes:
Nature, Patriotism, Paganism, Anti-Judeo-Christianity Country:
Україна (Ukraine) 
Twilightfall demo
SMS Factory Year:
1995 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
147,7 Mb Full time:
50:44 Tracklist: 1. The Unnothingles From Beyond (Siseneg) 02:33
2. Autumn Opposition 09:53
3. The Crying Of Ukraine (Cry of Ukraina) 07:12
4. Where Rivers Flow Into The Seas 03:10
5. Glass Coffin 07:06
6. On The Wings Of Scarlet Sunset 08:16
7. Oriana (Waterfall Of Twilight) 01:06
8. Dark Flower Of Temptation 08:10
9. Tnematset Wen: Nocturnal Mortum 03:18
Lunar Poetry demo
Morbid Noizz Productions Year:
1996 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
144,7 Mb Full time:
45:34 Tracklist: 1. Tears Of Paganism 01:07
2. Lunar Poetry 04:52
3. Perun's Celestial Silver 07:08
4. Carpathian Mysteries 05:13
5. ...And Winter Becomes 04:52
6. Ancient Nation 05:10
7. The Grief Of Oriana 05:33
8. Sorrows Of The Moon (Celtic Frost cover) 03:46
9. Autodafe / Barbarian Dreams 07:53
Return of the Vampire Lord EP
MetalAgen Year:
1997 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
47,5 Mb Full time:
21:10 Tracklist: 1. Return of the Vampire Lord 11:31
2. Mi Agama Khaz Mifisto 05:11
3. Crystaline Darkness 04:28
Marble Moon EP
SMS Factory Year:
1997 Format:
Mp3@192 kbps Size:
31 Mb Full time:
22:53Tracklist: 1. Hymn of Ukraine 02:34
2. On the Moonlight Path 05:31
3. Swallow 01:11 instrumental
4. Family Vault (Death SS cover) 04:36
5. Cheremosh 06:24 instrumental
6. Swallow 02:37
Goat Horns Label:
Morbid Noizz Productions Year:
1997 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
143,5 Mb Full time:
51:45 Tracklist: 1. Black Moon Overture 04:47
2. Kuyaviya 07:02
3. Goat Horns 09:04
4. Unholy Orathania 08:07
5. Veles' Scrolls 11:47
6. Kolyada 07:08
7. Eternal Circle 03:50
To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire Label:
Oriana Music Year:
1998 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
110 Mb Full time:
49:25 Tracklist: 1. Bestial Summoning 05:59
2. To The Gates Of Blasphemous Fire 05:26
3. On The Moonlight Path 05:24
4. The Hands Of Chaos 05:09
5. Under The Banners Of The Horned Knjaz 05:57
6. The 13th Asbath Celebration 08:30
7. Cheremosh 06:06 instrumental
8. The Forgotten Ages Of Victories 06:54
НеХристь Label:
Oriana Music Year:
1999 Format:
Mp3@? kbps Size:
173 Mb Full time:
01:15:44 Tracklist: 1. The Funeral Wind Born in Oriana 06:35
2. Night Before the Fight 06:34
3. Black Raven 08:10
4. The Call of Aryan Spirit 05:54
5. The Child of Swamps and Full Moon 05:35
6. Death Damnation 05:32
7. In the Fire of the Wooden Churches 07:08
8. Jesus' Blood 06:09
9. Nechrist: the Dance of Swords 06:32
87. Perun's Celestial Silver 08:21
88. Deaf Forever (
Motörhead cover) 3:54
ex-load 2003 - Return Of The Vampire Lord / Marble Moon 
Мировоззрение Label:
Oriana Music Year:
2004 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
194 Mb Full time:
01:14:49 Scans:
yes Tracklist: 1. Путь Бессмертных (The Path Of Immortals) 02:26
2. Дыханье Рагнарёка (I Feel The Breath Of Ragnarok) 08:06
3. Звездная Пыль (Stardust) 02:27
4. Мировоззрение (Weltanschauung) 08:32
5. Печаль Родных Земель (Sorrow Of Native Lands) 03:21
6. Слава Героям (Hailed Be The Heroes) 08:15
7. Танец Огня и Стали (The Dance Of Fire And Steel) 01:47
8. Новая Эра Мечей (The New Era Of Swords) 07:40
9. Бескрайние Топи (Endless Vast Swamps) 01:29
10. Нити Судьбоносной Узлы (The Knots Upon The Thread Of Fate) 10:39
11. Собирая Смерти Посев (Harvesting The Seeds Of Death) 01:52
12. Вкус Победы (The Taste Of Victory) 12:24
13. Дорога Славы (The Way Of Glory) 02:51
14. Untitled 03:00
The Taste of Victory EP
Oriana Music Year:
2004 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
109 Mb Full time:
42:46 Scans:
yes Tracklist: 1. Мировоззрение (Weltanschauung) 08:36
2. Новая Эра Мечей (The New Era of Swords) 07:38
3. Вкус Победы (The Taste of Victory) 11:41
4. Стальным Орлом в Златую Сваргу (As the Steel Eagle into Golden Svarga) 14:51
Eleven Years Among the Sheep Label:
Unholy Year:
2005 Format:
Mp3@320 kbps Size:
352 Mb Full time:
02:30:19 Tracklist: Disc 1
1. Prolog: Doors Into Childhood 01:31
2. Into Subconscious World (deathbalad) 02:27
3. Misty Past 04:21
4. Illusions' Kingdom 03:24
5. Where Rivers Flow Into The Seas 03:06
6. Cry Of Ukraina 07:13
7. Celestial Silver 06:21 Show lyrics
8. Carpathia 03:39
9. My Nation 03:55
10. And Winter Becomes 02:55
11. Tears Of Paganism 01:07
12. Lunar Poetry 04:50
13. Carpathian Mysteries 05:06
14. Kolyada 07:07 Show lyrics
15. Unholy Orathania 08:03
16. On The Moonlight Path 05:31
17. Lastivka 02:37
Disc 2
1. To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire 05:27
2. The Forgotten Ages Of Victories 06:52
3. Into The Flames Of Wooden Churches 07:08
4. Black Raven 08:10
5. Jesus' Blood 06:09
6. The Call Of Aryan Spirit 05:54
7. Weltanschauung (live) 08:15
8. Black Raven (live) 07:09
9. Into The Flames Of Wooden Churches (live) 05:59
10. Perun's Celestial Silver (live) 08:21
11. Weltanschauung 08:36
ex-load 2009 - Голос Сталі2009 - Live in Katowice2011 - Коловорот2015 - Голос Сталі (Re-Edition, Remastered)2016 - 22 Years Among The Sheep2017 - Істина2022 - До Лунарної Поезії2023 - Світогляд (single)2024 - Оберіг (Live At Ragnard Reborn Fest)SPLITS:
1997 - Lucifugum & Nokturnal Mortum - Path of the Wolf & Return of the Vampire Lord2007 - Graveland & Nokturnal Mortum & Темнозорь & North - Eastern Hammer (Молот Восточной Европы)2016 - Nokturnal Mortum & Graveland - The Spirit Never Dies