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VA - 21th Century for White Fight (2012)

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Artist: VA
Album: 21th Century for White Fight
Label: alter-natife (Internet Release)
Year: 2012
Country: WPWW
Genre: RAC/Oi/Metal
Format: mp3@vbr
Size: 272 mb
Covers: yes

00 - Fuck you modern World - Radio Free Europe (Intro)
01 - Sturmwehr (GER) - Nationale Solidaritat (Remastered 2012)
02 - The Wrongdoers (SWE) - Fighting for your life (2010)
03 - Faction Brune (FRA) - Liberté (2011)
04 - Death's Head (AUS) - Streetfight (2001)
05 - Division Germania (GER) - Manifest (2009)
06 - Gesta Bellica (ITA) - Come il Vento (2011)
07 - Konkwista 88 (POL) - Born again (Pt. II) (2000)
08 - Estirpe Imperial (ESP) - La Calle es Nuestra (2007)
09 - Legitime Violence (QBC) - Quebec (2011)
10 - Liberty 37 (UK) - Drunk and Violent (2011)
11 - Les Vilains (BLG) - Retourne Chez Toi (2010)
12 - Discipline (NLD) - Stand (Motörhead) (2008)
13 - Störkraft (GER) - Steh auf! (Remastered 2007)
14 - Revalers (EST) - Street politicians (2011)
15 - Final War (USA) - The Nationalist (2002)
16 - Hais & Fiers (FRA) - Première ligne (2011)
17 - Vérszerződés (HUN) - Crossed Hammers Banner (2012)
18 - División 250 (ESP) - Sangre de Conquistadores (Remastered 2001)
19 - Potop (Potop 318) (POL) - Aryan Front (2010)
20 - Extressiv (GER) - Ich bin so wie Ich bin (2009)

20 - Insurrection (FRA) - Honneur et fidelite (2001)
21 - Vinland Warriors (CAN) - North wind blow (2007)
22 - Dissident (USA) - A cog in the wheel (2000)
23 - Weisse Wölfe (GER) - Deutsches Volk (2009)
24 - I.C.1 (UK - NLD) - Out of control (2009)
25 - Bretonische Waffenverband (FRA) - Les noueaux croisés (2011)
26 - Oidoxie (GER) - Oidoxie & Extressiv (Split) (2006)
27 - Legittima Offesa (ITA) - White Kriminals (2006)
28 - Kilgore (AUS) - Road to damnation (2008)
29 - Preserve White Aryans (P.W.A.) (EST) - Blood For Blood (2004)
30 - Spider Crew (AUT) - Forgiven-Forgotten (2011)
31 - Mind Terrorist (GRC) - No world order (2011)
32 - Sleipnir (NLD) - Bis ganz Europa fällt (2001)
33 - Carcereduro (FRA) - Coute que coute (2010)
34 - Blind Justice (ITA) - Fuck Israel (2011)
35 - Ultimo Asalto (ESP) - Skinhead (2001)
36 - White Resistance Ergerau (SVK) - W.R.E (2005)
37 - Nordmacht (GER) - Angriff der Wikinger (Remastered 2012)
38 - Frakass (FRA) - Aux armes! (2011)
40 - Vit Legion (SWE) - Rock against zionism (2009)
88 - Il est plus tard que vous ne le croyez - We fight for honor ! (Outro)


password: 88nsm

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