VA - Tribute to Bunker 84 (2002)
Category: ROCK / RAC / SPLITS & SAMPLERS / Various Artists / Hungary / Canada / Italy / France / Belgium
Artist: VA
Album: Tribute to Bunker 84 (Vinyl version)
Label: Warfare Productions
Year: 2002
Genre: RAC
Country: WPWW
Format: mp3@320 kbps
Size: 117 mb
Covers: yes
01. Panzerjäger - Liberte (France)
02. Bagadou Stourm - La paria (France)
03. Les Villains - Dure realite (Belgium)
04. DH - France (France)
05. ACAB - Classe ouvriere (Hungary)
06. Ultimatum - Les feux de joie (France)
07. Celtic Cross - Jeanne (France)
08. Archivum - Vieux Continent (Hungary)
09. Frakass - Lache dictature (France)
10. Lemovice - Les travailleurs Francais (France)
11. Gesta Bellica - Victime des democraties (Italy)
12. Etat D'urgence - .357 magnum (France)
13. Chenin Blanc - Nacht und Nebel (France)
14. Vinland Warriors - J'irai pisser sue vos tombes (Canada)
password: 88nsm
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