Stworz - Coz Po Zyznych Ziemiach… (2014)
Category: Pagan Metal / Poland

Artist: Stworz
Album: Coz Po Zyznych Ziemiach…
Year: 2014
Genre: Pagan Metal
Country: Poland
Format: mp3@vbr kbps
Size: 126.1 Mb
01. Wyraj
02. Nim wroci Wiosna (Until Spring Returns)
03. Matka Ziemia, Ojciec Slonce (Mother Earth, Father Sun)
04. Tesknota (The Longing)
05. Moj kraj (My Land)
06. Kolo zycia (The Wheel Of Life)
07. Zazynki
08. By dla Slonca piesni spiewac (To Sing Songs For The Sun...)
09. Gdy Slonce przemierza bezkresne niebiosa (When Sun Travels Through Boundless Skies...)
10. Wieczne Slonce (Eternal Sun)
11. Coz po zyznych ziemiach (What Of Fertile Lands...?)
12. Z tamtej strony jeziora (On The Other Side Of The Lake)
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